Cooking with the Bubba: A series of original recipes

#6- Adobo Pork

Ah, variety, the spice! For the adventurous, here's a pork recipe from the Philippines with a distinctively different flavor. Very easy to prepare, it's worth trying at least once.

Ingredients (for 2 servings): 2 thick-cut boneless pork chops or half a small boneless pork tenderloin, 1/2 tablespoon chopped garlic, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 1/2 cup adobo marinade (available at Philippino or Asian markets), 1 teaspoon ketchup.

Preparation: In a medium bowl, marinate the pork in adobo marinade for 15 minutes. Then remove and cut the pork into 1/8 inch thick slices. Save the marinade.Preheat grill.

Cooking: Sear the pork pieces quickly on a very hot grill then put aside. In a sauce pan, over moderate heat, sautee the garlic in olive oil. Now add the left over marinade and teaspoon of ketchup. Bring to a boil, stirring frequently. Now toss in the seared pork slices and cook briefly until just done. The pork should be soft and juicy. Resist the urge most people possess to overcook pork.

Serve: with pan juices over glass noodles (sometimes called bean vermicelli) or rice, and cubes of steamed butternut squash. HOME